
Last update: 24.08.2023 - older versions

On 23 August 2023, the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority [Myndigheten för press, radio och tv / MPRT] awarded seven new national and one regional licence for digital commercial radio, valid from 1 September 2023 to 31 July 2026. Malmö-based Mad Men Media has been granted five national licences. DB Media in Staffanstorp receives a national licence for the new channel Dansbandskanalen Klassiker. DB Media also receives a regional licence in Skåne for Guldkanalen Country. Skärgårdsradion, which already has a regional licence in Stockholm, can now broadcast nationally.

On 23 February 2023, the Swedish Ministry of Culture announced that a parliamentary committee will propose how the public service remit should be regulated from 2026 onwards and what should be included in the remit during the licensing period 2026-2033.  This includes the possible expansion of DAB broadcasting. The remit of the inquiry states:

SR and UR operate digital terrestrial radio broadcasting (DAB broadcasting). The broadcasting licence entitles the holder to broadcast in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö areas and in Norrbotten. Several commercial broadcasters operate DAB broadcasts with a licence from the Press, Radio and Television Authority. The licences are valid until July 2026 and include with a requirement to expand to 65% population coverage by 31 July 2025.


The Committee shall therefore


- analyse whether there is a need for an expansion of SR's DAB broadcasting, and if so, describe the costs of such an expansion and make proposals on how it could be financed within the public service remit, without prejudice to the public service remit content.


The mission shall be reported by 30 April 2024.

Committee directive Long-term conditions for a sustainable and independent public service


 The Swedish Regulator MPRT has been commissioned by the Swedish government to review the conditions for commercial radio in the longer term (Ku 2021/01993). In dialogue with relevant actors, including the industry, the authority plans to analyse the need for any changes in the regulations for licensing with the aim of submitting a final report to the Ministry of Culture by December 2022.  

DAB transmissions in Sweden started in 1995 and today population coverage stands at 42%, with services from public service broadcaster Swedish Radio (SR) and commercial radio. 

Swedish Radio operates a multiplex covering 42% of the population in the capital of Stockholm as well as in Södertälje, Uppsala, Gothenburg, Malmö and Luleå.

Nordic Entertainment Group (NENT) also has a multiplex in operation covering Stockholm, Uppsala, Gävle. This multiplex was expanded in to Gothenburg and Malmö and now covers 43% of the population.

In November 2019, Swedish Radio submitted an application to the Ministry of Culture for a national DAB+ permit for the 2020-2025 period. With its current permit, the public broadcaster is authorised to broadcast digital radio in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Norrbotten. As part of its new application, Swedish Radio has requested a nationwide permit for ten channels.

In February 2020, Bauer Media announced it would be launching DAB+ services in Sweden in the summer of 2020, with multiplexes launching in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.

Bauer Media broadcasts started in July 2020, and increased them in November 2020 with the launch of DAB+ services in Gotenburg and Malmo. Bauer Media's DAB services now cover 40% of the population, and are expected to reach 50% by the end of 2021.

Last update: 02.03.2022 - older versions

The Swedish DAB network (mux 1) is operated by Teracom AB and covers the cities Stockholm, Södertälje, Uppsala, Enköping, Luleå, Malmö and Göteborg using a multi-frequency network on frequencies 12C and 12B. The coverage of mux 1 is currently 41.8% of the population or about 3 million people. 

Mux 1 holds 8-10 regular and licensed services, all from Swedish Radio. All services in mux 1 are currently broadcast in DAB. All audio services hold DLS.

The Swedish DAB+ network (mux 2) is operated by Teracom AB under a specific test license and covers major cities Stockholm, Uppsala and Gävle using a multi-frequency network on frequencies 12C and 12D. Coverage reaches 27% of the population or about 2.5 million people. Mux 2 currently holds 9 pilot services from several major broadcasters (MTG radio and SBS radio), as well as some local community radios. All services in mux 2 are broadcasted in DAB+. All audio services hold DLS and SLS.

Visit the Teracom website  for coverage maps.

Last update: 03.03.2021 - older versions

In this country there are

on air.

Please note:

(a)    These web pages are updated regularly to reflect current services on air, however they may not be exactly up to date.

(b)    The logos shown on these pages are for illustrative purposes only – manufacturers and broadcasters are directed here for information on implementing station logos.

Mux1: 10 DAB+ audio channels from public service broadcaster Swedish Radio, including event channels that are only broadcast at specific months/weeks. In total there are 6-7 DAB services on air at any given time, one of which is simulcast on FM. Most of the other DAB+ channels are available online, but not broadcast on FM. All audio channels carry DLS and Slideshow. In addition, a trial version of TPEG is being broadcast.

Event channels

  • Christmas channel
  • Summer channel
  • Eurovision song contest channel
  • Classical music channel

Mux 2: 9 DAB+ audio channels from the major commercial radio groups, including NENT and Bauer Media. Four of them simulcast on FM nationwide. The rest of the DAB+ channels are available online, or very locally on FM. One channel, Lugna Favoriter, is only available online, and not broadcast on FM. All audio channels carry DLS and Slideshow. In addition, a trial version of TPEG is being broadcast.

Future Services on Air

The Swedish Broadcast Authority have announced licenses for commercial digital radio. A total of 25 stations have been awarded a license. 21 of which are national licenses and four are regional stations. 12 of the national stations are unique to digital radio and not broadcast on FM. The licensing allows for a significant increase in range of stations throughout Sweden.

Licenses will be valid from 2nd October 2014 until 30th September 2022 and broadcasting is to begin no later than 1st October 2015.  

More information is available here. Private radio has asked for permission to delay the launch.

Feature of services on air in Sweden

“P4 Bjällerklang” is a pop-up station playing “the most beloved and popular Christmas songs” in both familiar and unexpected versions, around the clock on digital radio (DAB) and on the web. The channel exists in December and January and is now broadcasting for the fifth year in a row. This is a good example of a pop-up station that uses the flexibility of the DAB/DAB+ standard to meet occasional listener demands.

“Knattekanalen” is a children’s station playing “new music mixed with familiar
songs and children’s pop from all times”. The channel broadcast in DAB and on the web each day
from six o’clock in the morning till eight at night. Children and their parents know that when they want to listen to children’s programs, there is always something on.



Simulcast on AM / FM Exclusive on digital Total of services
DAB+ programmes 29 23 52
Data services 0 1 1

Last update: 08.03.2022 - older versions

In Sweden, 84% of new cars sold in 2021 have DAB+ as standard (Source: JATO Dynamics 2022).

Last update: 14.07.2015 - older versions

Sales in 2013 were 15,000 receivers which means the accumulated sales 2006-2013 is 37,000 receivers.

27,000 of these units are dated from 2012 and onwards, i.e. capable of DAB+ decoding. In comparison the 15,000 units sold per year is almost 4% of the total sales in Home and Portable Audio segment.

Given the estimated 27,000 DAB+ units, the household penetration in Sweden today is appoximately 1%.  


Last update: 30.09.2014 - older versions

In 2009, pilot transmissions of DAB+ started and the coverage quickly reached 22% of the population with 16 trial services from public service radio, commercial radio and community local radio.

Last update: 02.03.2022 - older versions

The Swedish Press, Radio and Television Authority MPRT has been commissioned by the Swedish government to review the conditions for commercial radio in the longer term (Ku 2021/01993). In dialogue with relevant actors, including the industry, the authority plans to analyse the need for any changes in the regulations for licensing.  According to the MPRT website, the review timeline is as follows:

  • May 2022 - publish an interim report with survey and analysis of digital radio development in Europe and analysis of market in Sweden
  • Autumn 2022 - submit a draft report analysing the need for possible changes
  • December 2022 - report to the Ministry of Culture

Key features of digital radio regulation in Sweden are:

  • Band III 
  • One MUX in big cities only
  • Switch-off date is to be set for analogue radio migration to DAB+
  • Cost of parallel transmission on analogue and digital to be supported by the Government
  • Industry co-ordinator has been appointed by the government to assure a transition by 2022

Regulation for Commercial Radio

In October 2012, all major commercial broadcasters applied for a total of 22 licences in both national and regional VHF Band III networks. The licenses for digital commercial radio were valid from September 2, 2014 to September 20, 2022. All license holders requested suspension with the broadcast start and referred to the uncertainty about whether there is a transition from analogue to digital radio and when such a possible transition can occur. Bauer Media AB, NRJ Sweden AB and Norrköping Radio & Co AB requested further suspension with the launch. MPRT granted them suspension until January 1, 2020 and adjusted the condition of phase expansion. MRTV stated that there would be no requirements on bit rate per service. However, the maximum number of services per commercial multiplex would be 16. The commercial license holders were obliged to co-operate in technical matters including choice of network operator. Coverage requirements may be imposed to ensure that the digital broadcasts reach a certain proportion of the population within the broadcasting area.

Regulation for Public Service Radio

The public service broadcaster, Swedish Radio (SR), got their license directly from the Government. The license period was six years valid until 31 December 2019 allowing Swedish Radio to broadcast digital radio using DAB/DAB+ in VHF Band III, but only to four regions in Sweden (Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo and Norrbotten) and with a maximum number of nine services (Stockholm and Norrbotten) or 10 (Gothenburg and Malmo). 

Spectrum for DAB/DAB+ digital radio

At the spectrum conference GE-2006 Sweden was awarded a total spectrum equivalent to of 4 nationwide DAB/DAB+ multiplexers in Band III. Three of the four multiplexes are MFNs (making regional insertion possible up to the maximum of 34 available frequency layers). In 2010 the Swedish Government awarded two of the four multiplexers (spectrum-wise) to public service radio and remaining two multiplexers to commercial radio.


Last update: 19.08.2019 - older versions

Following the launch of regular DAB+ in Sweden, a website dedicated to DAB+ developments in Sweden was launched in August 2019 -  http://dabplus.se/

Last update: 30.09.2014

Sweden has an Emergency Warning System using FM/RDS (PTy31) to send an alert flag making it possible for receivers and transmitters to change audio to the emergency channel, Swedish Radios channel P4. It is not unlikely that this feature will be imposed on a digital system. 

Bierhorst to speak at Sweden's Guldörat
25.09.2024 - Sweden Sweden
The programme for the industry day Guldörat has been released, which will be held at Dramaten in Stockholm on 22 October and chaired by Annika Lantz. Among other things, there will be programme items on the future of linear radio and audio trends from around the world. Bauer managed to attract over a million listeners to Greatest Hits Radio in the UK by recruiting BBC presenter Ken Bruce, who will be in Stockholm. James Cridland reviews AI tools for audio production, while Jacqueline Bierhorst from WorldDAB summarises the state of radio worldwide.

(Radionytt) Read more

Commission to map the distribution of radio and television programmes
29.08.2024 - Sweden Sweden
The Government has today appointed Charlotte Ingvar-Nilsson, lawyer and former Director-General of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, to lead a one-year inquiry into the safe and accessible distribution of radio and television programmes in a new media landscape. The inquiry will have a particular focus on the needs of public service broadcasters. "In an uncertain world, the availability of information is more important than ever. That is why the Government is now commissioning Charlotte Ingvar-Nilsson to investigate the possibilities for media companies to maintain editorial control and distribute programmes safely and easily accessible in a new media landscape, even in times of turbulence," says Minister for Culture Parisa Liljestrand. The first part of the assignment is to map the distribution of radio and television, both in terrestrial networks and over the internet.

(Government of Sweden) Read more

Dansbandskanalen Klassiker launched on DAB+
08.07.2024 - Sweden Sweden
DB Media today began testing Dansbandskanalen Klassiker on Viaplay Radio's DAB+ network in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, Uppsala and Gävle. The positioning is "With dance band classics from the 70s, 80s and 90s"."The content of the channel will first and foremost be dance band music from the 70s, 80s and 90s. We see that listening to our channel Dansbandskanalen, which was launched back in 2002, continues to rise every day," Daniel Bengtzzon, CEO of DB Media, previously told Radionytt. DB Media was granted the licence for Dansbandskanalen Klassiker in autumn 2023. DB Media's Dansbandskanalen nationally and Guldkanalen regionally in Skåne are already available on Viaplay's network.

(Radionytt.se) Read more

Swedish government proposes new fee system for commercial radio
21.06.2024 - Sweden Sweden
FM licences for commercial radio will no longer be sold to the highest bidder. Instead, a new fee equivalent to 3 per cent of advertising revenue will be introduced. This is proposed in a memo from the Ministry of Culture. The Ministry of Culture also proposes that analogue FM licences should in future be allocated according to the same principles as digital DAB+ licences. This means that the Media Authority will take into account "diversity in terms of both content and ownership", as well as previous experience of radio operations in the relevant broadcasting area or radio market. The current licences for commercial radio on FM and DAB+ are valid until the end of 2026. The Ministry of Culture's proposal has now been sent out for consultation, which runs until 11 October.

(Radionytt.se) Read more

Viaplay's Modig: Radio must be digitised - or it will disappear
21.02.2024 - Viaplay Group WorldDAB Member - Sweden Sweden
Swedish radio can only develop if the terrestrial network is digitised so that both commercial radio and public service can offer a competitive range. Without a larger range, global platforms will take over and Sweden will lose all influence over Swedish audio distribution, writes Christer Modig, CEO of Viaplay Group Radio. "Expanding digital radio with the DAB+ standard is currently the only practical way to increase the number of channels before it is too late, because political decisions are needed," he says. "The DAB network can accommodate 30 commercial channels, more players and a much greater variety for listeners. DAB is a prerequisite for commercial radio to be able to broaden its range and focus on news, debate, sport and youth channels," Modig adds.

(Dagens industri) Read more

Viaplay's Christer Modig: "Digital terrestrial radio must be the foundation"
26.10.2023 - Sweden Sweden
Viaplay's Christer Modig: "Terrestrial broadcasting is a prerequisite for our survival, but listening will be marginalised over time because FM offers too limited a range. DAB can give us greater diversity and better conditions to digitise the radio medium over time and thus maintain a strong robust platform for terrestrial broadcasting. No one has said that we should switch off FM, at least not in the next 15-20 years. But without DAB, FM will be marginalised in less than 10 years."

(Dagens Media) Read more

Seven new national DAB+ stations in Sweden
01.09.2023 - Sweden Sweden
Malmö-based Mad Men Media was the big winner when the Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority announced new additional licences for national and regional DAB+ in Sweden. Mad Men Media, which runs four FM stations in the southern region of Skåne, will have access to five of the seven new national licences from September 1. ”This is a way for us to secure access to the future of radio distribution. We applied for a national FM licence in 2018, when DAB was of marginal importance. Now DAB+ is a mature distribution platform and present in all new cars, and we feel it’s the perfect time to enter this market,” says Robert Persson, who is managing director and one of the three founders and owners of Mad Men Media.

(Radionytt) Read more

Sweden's Skärgårdsradion is expanding
24.08.2023 - Sweden Sweden
Skärgårdsradion (Archipelago Radio) has received one of the seven new national DAB+ licences. This means that the station, which broadcasts on FM and DAB+ in Stockholm, will soon also be heard in Gothenburg, Skåne and Gävle. "It's kind of fun that perhaps one of Sweden's smallest radio stations is now getting a national licence," says founder and owner Martin Loogna."We believe in DAB radio as every new car and boat now has a receiver and we will try to work on expanding the network together with the other players."

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DAB+ licences for Sweden's DB Media, Mad Men Media and Skärgårdsradion
24.08.2023 - Sweden Sweden
The Swedish Press, Radio and TV Authority has announced seven new national and one regional licence for digital commercial radio. The licences include Arabic radio and sports radio. Malmö-based Mad Men Media has been granted five national licences. DB Media in Staffanstorp receives a national licence for the new channel Dansbandskanalen Klassiker. DB Media also receives a regional licence in Skåne for Guldkanalen Country. Skärgårdsradion, which already has a regional licence in Stockholm, can now broadcast nationally. The licences are valid from 1 September to 31 July 2026. 21 national licences and three regional licences have already been awarded in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Skåne.

(Radionytt) Read more

Sweden's MPRT approves licences for new digital radio channels
24.08.2023 - Sweden Sweden
Swedish media regulator MPRT has announced further licences to broadcast in the digital terrestrial network. The broadcasts will include a mix of music, news and weather, as well as sports and community programmes. The licences are valid from 1 September 2023 to 31 July 2026. In addition to the commercial radio channels, Sveriges Radio and Utbildningsradion also broadcast on the digital terrestrial network. These channels receive their licences from the Government.

(Myndigheten för press, radio och tv (MPRT)) Read more

Select Country:

Key Information

Status: regular
Population: 9.1 million
Population coverage: Sparkline Graph 43%
Services: 52 DAB+, 1 Data
Line-fit automotive sales (cumulative): 793,000 devices
New cars with DAB/DAB+ as standard: Sparkline Graph 97%
Total Sales (cumulative): 1,209,000 devices
Last update: 26.02.2024

Useful Links

Swedish Radio (public broadcaster)
Network operator - Teracom
The Swedish Press, Radio and Television Authority (MPRT)