Sweden: License application for digital commercial radio announced today

06.06.2012 - Sweden Sweden

Today, the authority for radio and television issued the applications for digital commercial radio. Licenses will be issued on national and regional basis in a total of two multiplexers. Each multiplexer can be broken down regionally in 34 areas and carry a maximum of 16 DAB+ channels.

There are a total of four multiplexers in the VHF-plan for Sweden and at least one of the remaining ones will be used by Public Service Broadcaster Swedish Radio (SR). SR gets their license directly from the Swedish Government following a decision by Swedish Parliament and is therefore not directly affected by the decision today. Commercial broadcasters wanting to apply must get financial and technical conditions approved by the authority for radio and television. Thereafter, the Authority shall "take into account that the spectrum must be used for various program services that appeal to audiences with different interests and tastes, and that there are channels from several independent broadcasters." Licenses will be valid for the period 1 January 2013-31 December 2020.

The application deadline has been set at October 1, to await the outcome of the Public Service Committee at 1st of September. The licenses will be issued free of charge, except for a small application fee of SEK 35 000 to cover the cost of administration.

Read more here: http://www.radioochtv.se/Tillstand-och-registrering/Radio/Digital-kommersiell-radio/Ansok-om-tillstand/