Karel Zýka, Czech Radio: We want commercial radio to be successful in digitalisation

22.05.2024 - Czech Radio WorldDAB Member - Ceske Radiokomunikace a.s. WorldDAB Member - Czechia Czechia

Czech Radio wants commercial radio to successfully start radio digitalisation and DAB+ broadcasting to become widely known to the general public, Karel Zýka, Director of Technology and Administration of the public broadcaster, said at the Innovation Day conference on Tuesday, which was organised by the operator České Radiokomunikace. The actual development of DAB+ digital radio broadcasting will necessarily require the participation of private radio stations, which will be able to fully enter the process in the months following the launch of the new multiplexes. "We are keeping our fingers crossed for the commercial radio stations, because the more successful they are, the better it will be for us," Zýka said. It will be essential that listeners know when they buy a receiver that it will work without any problems. This is what the DAB+ verified certification is intended to do.

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