BR enables reception of all its regional programmes throughout Bavaria

02.04.2024 - Bayerischer Rundfunk WorldDAB Member - Germany Germany

On 10 April, Bayerischer Rundfunk is reorganising the distribution of its radio programmes in its own DAB+ networks. This changeover to DAB+ means that unlike FM, listeners throughout Bavaria can choose from any of the five Bayern 1 regional programmes: Bayern 1 Mainfranken, Bayern 1 Mittel- und Oberfranken, Bayern 1 Niederbayern/Oberpfalz, Bayern 1 Oberbayern and Bayern 1 Schwaben. This will also please car drivers: they will then be able to listen to "their" Bayern 1 regional programme continuously on their DAB+ car radio, even if they are travelling across Bavaria. The basis for this changeover is the major expansion of the DAB+ transmitter network with 88 locations, and coverage of well over 90 per cent of Bavaria's population with the DAB+ signal.

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